A website devoted to teaching/playing/composing for/ the King of Instruments
Oct. 23, 2021
This (photo) is a typical 27-note flat, non-radiating Renaissance styled pedalboard.
Organs from this period were very often tuned in quarter comma meantone temperament (See blog, Temperaments & Tuning, Part IV).
In organs tuned to this temperament the bottom octave of the pedals was provided with a short octave of its own and some split sharps.
The first white note at the bottom is C.
Next above it is E.
The intervening black key is D.
In this photo there are split sharps on black keys at Eb and high G#.
The front black key at Eb is Eb.
The back black key at Eb is D#.
The front black key at G# is G#.
The back black key at G# is Ab.