A website devoted to teaching/playing/composing for/ the King of Instruments
Jun. 16, 2021
(con't from Part XI)
"Except for the Bible, our hymnals provide the greatest treasure trove of theological and devotional material in existence anywhere."
-- Robert Morgan
This narrative previously published on social media displays a clear pro-hymnal bent, a leaning which comes about however by means of reasoned judgment.
It cannot be denied that a great deal of Bible-based Christian theology of significant educational value is embedded in the stanzas of what one finds in traditional hymn books.
Nevertheless ... however the music is packaged ... whether it's a traditional or contemporary hymn, a folk or sacred song, a choral plainchant, an anthem, a praise chorus, an unaccompanied vocal or instrumental solo, an organ piece from the standard repertoire or perhaps just a segment of it, whatever it is that one hears performed in a house of worship ... if it SINGS, it will pleasure the heart of God.
The Christian faith ... is a singing faith.