A website devoted to teaching/playing/composing for/ the King of Instruments
Feb. 25, 2017
Let's say it's Monday morning, and you've got the "blahs" (photo) ...
Or, let's say it isn't Monday morning, but you're still bored of being bored because being bored is boring ...
Then take courage ... there's a cure ...
Get into one of those swinging preludes and fugues of Bach.
Check out one of those chorals of Franck.
Or maybe an organ symphony of Vierne.
Or maybe even some of the music from this web site.
If none of that grabs you, then listen to the ringing, triumphant hymn of faith "A Mighty Fortress" performed by a master organist on a great pipe organ at full tilt in a large building and dwell upon the text of this hymn.
Experience, if you haven't before, what real organ music is all about ... power, love, and purpose.
Experience, if you haven't before, the powers at work on the page.
You'll be stirred, charged, and strengthened.
It'll put you right up.
There's nothing like it.