A website devoted to teaching/playing/composing for/ the King of Instruments
Jan. 19, 2017
If we happen to fall seriously ill or we're recovering from complex surgery and are recuperating, there are many days where we just don't feel like writing, practicing, or even reading about the musical instrument we play and love.
During these trying times we're just too weak, distracted, and bummed out to expend any effort on anything but resting, healing, and getting well again.
No matter how determined we are to wage battle against Resistance [See blog, The Book] and wrestle with it as a practitioner of the creative arts, we can only do what our body permits us to do.
But we know in our heart of hearts that another day will come in the not too distant future where we'll begin to feel better and return to studying and working with the things we love.
This waiting period, sadly, tends to starve our creativity [See blog, The Mind].
Our minds thrive on creative work, and our hands need to be occupied with something; this stems from the fact that our most important human characteristic is our creativity and that we're able to impact the world around us for the better by our creative powers.
It's sometimes a worse situation when our creative mind is on fire (photo) and we're just not physically able to devote any time to writing or practicing anything.
For the musician who loves this instrument and who's struggling to get well, staying away from it can at times deny that man or woman some of the very medicine they need for their physical health to improve, day to day.
When we make the attempt to try to work at it a little however, as our aches, pains, and misery are beginning to let up some under the influence of the right food, prescription medicine, and the necessary rest, we're also feeding our mind, helping it to grow, and satisfying that craving we all have to use our knowledge, imaginative skill, and talents to help bring forth something worthwhile, useful, beautiful, or valuable out of nothing.
Music is the very medicine that a seriously ill musician's heart and soul needs, but if we're seriously ill we should never force ourselves beyond what we can tolerate physically.
Nevertheless, it's important to recognize that our mind needs nurturing and make some attempt to feed it something too, as soon as we're able, even if we're not feeling our best.
It's always a fine line we're riding with this, and it's all about balance.
Everything with organ playing is balance [See blog, Balance In Organ Playing, Parts I, II, III].