A website devoted to teaching/playing/composing for/ the King of Instruments
Jul. 14, 2016
Check out this little puppy's expression and pose (photo) -- it's the look of vexing embarrassment.
It's as if he just got done saying to his master, "You mean ... I've been playing the organ for over 40 years ... and I've been sitting on the bench the wrong way, all this time," and his master just replied, "I believe so."
Think of you, yourself, hearing this same news during a private lesson with a very reliable, trusted, and highly acclaimed teacher, someone you greatly respect who only wants to see you succeed and only has your best interests at heart.
It's the same as being rapped by our master right across the muzzle with a switch ... that switch being the thought that the old, dogmatic, tried-and-true, master-of-all-work bench position you've always loved and used is leading to tension and fatigue, drains your endurance, has your freedom restricted, is standing in the way of your forward progress ... and it's been going on, right under your cold, wet nose, all this time [See blog, What About Bench Position].
You and I would feel the same way, too.
We'd be mortified.
Big time.
Think of the prospect of having to go back to go, to relearn it all over again, to fetch this new thing, something that your master already has.
Think of the plethora of dog-eared excuses you'd be tempted to make up, just to keep from doing that ... excuses like, "Well, give me a break, I'm an old dog, and I can't learn new tricks;" which is the biggest lie in dogdom.
We're never too old to learn something new.
Now then, think how much more mortified you'd feel, after sitting on your haunches with dogged determination, barking at the moon with your litany of excuses, steadfastly resisting making any changes, only to find out that it's far easier to fix and correct than you ever thought possible in your doggone imagination ... and that, now that it IS fixed, you can play through the longest, most technically demanding pieces from the repertoire and finish the last page, each and every time, as fresh as a young husky ready to pull its first sled!
it's all about balance [See blog, Balance In Organ Playing, Parts I-III].
All of this, and more, is described on this blog.
Maybe it's time, after all, to dig into it, and give it a serious go.
It'll have your tail wagging.