A website devoted to teaching/playing/composing for/ the King of Instruments
Jul. 10, 2016
He (or she), who can do the most, can do the least.
We wish, at times, that we had more of this, or more of that.
We say to ourselves, "If that little pipe organ I have to play every week only had 2 more stops, and these were the 2 stops, here's what I'd be doing with them ..."
And that's frustrating when we know we could be doing more, and still, we're faced with having to do with less [See blog, Cross Comparing].
But there's one important thing to remember ...
Someone who exercises initiative, applies themselves, and makes use of what they do have to the fullest extent, meager as it may seem (photo), will go farther in the long run and accomplish more in less time than someone who has everything, including tons of time, and lacks the drive to do anything with it.
Every great musician, before they permitted themselves complete freedom of expression, first subjected themselves to a program of strict discipline, restricting themselves as to what they would allow themselves to do.
It was this self-imposed struggle that built them into a musician.
In the light of eternity therefore, how we happen to be struggling at the moment is not important; what IS important is the struggle itself, because it yields its own rewards.
(con't in Part II)