A website devoted to teaching/playing/composing for/ the King of Instruments
Apr. 30, 2016
"Where should we be, if nobody tried to find out what lies beyond? ...
"Have you never wanted to look beyond the clouds and the stars? ...
"Or to know what causes the trees to bud? ...
"And what changes the darkness into light? ...
"But if you talk like that ... people call you crazy.
"Well, if I could discover just one of these things, what a hybrid pipe organ is for example, I wouldn't care it they did think I was crazy."
This last line of Henry's from this classic motion picture based upon Mary Shelley's novel, as amended, might have made for an even better movie than director James Whale and Universal Studios producer Carl Laemmle ever imagined back in 1931 [See blog, "Hybrid" Pipe Organ].