A website devoted to teaching/playing/composing for/ the King of Instruments
Mar. 28, 2016
Organ music is like this: the more you listen to a certain work, the more you hear, the more it's going to stick in your mind, the more it's going to grow on you, and the more you're going to want to hear it repeatedly, over and over again.
There's stuff in it, that's good for you, for the recreation of your mind, and for the service of your fellow man.'
Organ music is about peace, and love, and purpose, things that roll into your soul in long waves, things that our broken world desperately needs.
It's like eating your veggies.
Maybe a diet that includes a few beans or peas doesn't really appeal to you. At least, not yet.
If you tried to list all of the micronutrients found in a bean or pea, stuff that your body needs, it wouldn't fit on one page.
They're brimming with nutrition.
If some particular work doesn't grab you right away, don't "turnip" your nose at all of it, there's a whole produce section full of other stuff out there you might like better.
Try it. You'll like it.