A website devoted to teaching/playing/composing for/ the King of Instruments
Jan. 30, 2016
(con't from Part I)
The wedding is in 30 minutes. The bride and groom have asked you to play the organ for them. They said the church had a two manual organ with pedals.
You show up, and see this. A very fine instrument, but not exactly what you expected.
You panic. There are no pedal keys. All that wonderful organ music on 3 staves you've been practicing for weeks can't be performed.
You need a big sound, and you want your playing to sound written. And 2 hands have to do it all, cold turkey. You've got another emergency on your hands.
Now what.
Just then, you breathe a sigh of relief. You remember that you have some of those free scores from this web site with you.
And you learned them.
You're saved.